EPISODE 54 | MINDFUL MOMENT | Creating Certainty When You Are Anything But
When people have more awareness, they have better health physically, mentally, and emotionally. This is why how we form thoughts from past experiences, and being aware of those thoughts that become beliefs is so important to observe and become aware of. In today’s episode, Hillary talks about harnessing the power of our brain to rectify its belief, or to create certainty in the future ability to become a parent. She discusses creating certainty to buy your way through the tough moments, so you can keep taking action in the correct direction, creating positive momentum, and a meditation to separate our thoughts from our deep inner wisdom and guidance.
[2:48] Certainty is the currency for your dreams of creating a family, yet our brain will try to dissuade us from risking the uncomfortable thoughts of pain and failure.
[4:15] When people are operating at the highest level of consciousness, they have a higher chance of coming up with creative solutions to seemingly unsolvable problems. They have more confidence, and when we have more confidence, we gain positive momentum, which is the key to manifesting the life of our dreams quickly. When large groups of us are in this mindset, it’s like a chain reaction around us and it’s almost contagious to all of those we come in contact with.
[5:33] Elizabeth Markie, founder of Tribrain Yoga says, “Thoughts are electric and feelings are magnetic.” Momentum is a force that can take us any direction and has everything to do with beliefs and how we manage our thoughts.
[7:17] Beliefs are just thoughts you have thought over and over until they have become a non-negotiable belief. If beliefs come from the past, certainty comes from the future. Many believe they will never get pregnant, their body can’t hold a pregnancy, or it happens to everyone but them. These are not facts. These are beliefs colored by thoughts and emotions that you have experienced over and over until they have created a thought so strong you believe it as a fact.
[10:14] Potential from a scientific standpoint is kinetic energy waiting to come to life and move something.
Because 70% of our thoughts are on repeat, they are like a broken record based on past experiences playing over and over, all while creating evidence for our brains. Real certainty comes from daring to believe in the future circumstance you haven’t yet created and realizing that either way, you could feel bad. Our actions shift our circumstance and that becomes more evidence and certainty for the future.
[18:58] Mindfulness is key to helping us slow down our thoughts to observe them and see our brain as possibly lying to us and/or being stuck in the past.
[22:47] The brain doesn’t understand the reality of physically doing something, and the brain values emotions and feelings over thoughts any day. You have thoughts and they are stuck in the past at the moment creating the emotion of fear.
[27:37] Meditation begins.
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photo credit : Elena Koycheva @lenneek