LadyPotions-Natural Fertility Solutions

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My Calling

When I started graduate school, I was pretty sure I was heading in a similar direction as undergrad studies towards treating athletes. Turns out the Universe had other plans for my path. Treating infertility and the discomforts of pregnancy and birth turned out to be a calling in every sense of the word. I'd always been fascinated by the limits of the human body. I was about to find out that pregnancy and birth provided a far greater teaching of the body's extraordinary capabilities than mere athletics ever would. 

I was presented early on with rare opportunities - treating pregnant women in pain to couples that had been trying to conceive with no avail. Those seemed to be the kinds of cases I seemed to get from the very beginning.  I even attended my first birth via divine intervention. It had picked me. It was transformative for both me and my patients and I was aww-struck. I had heard the message loud and clear. In what seemed like the blink of an eye, ten years of treating infertility and walking next to thousands of women on this sacred path has passed and I'm so grateful for each opportunity.

Truth be told, helping a pregnant woman out of pain is one of the biggest clinical thrills I get ten years later. Helping to encourage a breech baby to turn into a more appropriate position to help start a natural labor by encouraging Mom's body to utilize fluids properly is also pretty rewarding.. Giving overdue mom's a place to relax and connect with their bodies; moving through any physical (fatigue) or mental-emotional (fear and anxiety inhabiting oxytocin) blockages is something I'm known for. And nothing compares to the sacred opportunity to witness the feats of a human body during labor and delivery.  I often say my calling is pretty freakin cool and I'm pretty blessed to witness such feats and acts of creation..

If you or someone you love is having issues  like those above during pregnancy that are quality of life disruptors, repeated miscarriage, or struggling emotionally in the "fourth trimester" please give me a call or reach out via the contact page. I can help!