Episode 116 | Guided Visualization for Fertility in 2024

In today's episode you will guided through my favorite visualization for starting a new year. I highly suggest this visualization anytime you are starting something new, need to get unstuck, or are making big decisions. We are going to harness the connection between our heart and our womb for this one. Get comfy and let's dive deep together. 

This meditation was part of a 3 day series, Mapping Your Fertility Journey, I taught at the end of 2023. You can still access the replays here until Feb 1st, 2024. Don't miss this special opportunity to learn from me on a deeper level.

Power of Vitex for Hormonal Balance

Podcast description:

Hello, wonderful listeners! I'm back with the fifth season of Fertile Minds Radio, and I couldn't be more excited. It's incredible to think about the journey we've embarked on together, and I want to express my heartfelt thanks to our dedicated listeners. Your support is what makes this podcast so special.

In this episode we are shedding light on the role of Vitex (aka Chasteberry), a herbal remedy. Tune in for a detailed exploration of how Vitex can impact prolactin levels, luteal phase insufficiency, and progesterone deficiency—all crucial factors affecting a woman's reproductive journey. 

After listening to this episode you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of how Vitex might be the natural solution you've been searching for.

If you would like access to my fertility supplement guide based on up to date research click here. 


[00:11:27] Vitex, a herbal remedy, can play a significant role in addressing fertility challenges. High prolactin levels, often triggered by breastfeeding or stress, can hinder conception. Vitex helps regulate prolactin levels, making it a promising option for those facing this hormonal imbalance.

[00:13:29] Understanding luteal phase insufficiency is crucial for fertility. A healthy luteal phase typically spans 14 days, but shorter phases can impact the ability to conceive. Progesterone insufficiency during this phase can contribute to infertility and increase the risk of miscarriage.

[00:17:40] While over-the-counter progesterone creams exist, they should be used cautiously and preferably under medical guidance. Using progesterone without proper knowledge can lead to unintended side effects and risks, including potential issues with missed pregnancies.

[00:20:29] Vitex emerges as a natural ally in supporting fertility. By strengthening hormonal feedback loops, especially those involving the hypothalamus and pituitary ovarian axis, Vitex can improve hormonal balance, potentially enhancing the chances of conception.

[00:25:53] When considering Vitex or any fertility treatment, it's essential to consult with a healthcare provider. Factors such as hormone-sensitive conditions, pregnancy, or breastfeeding may contraindicate its use.

Navigating fertility challenges requires a holistic approach, where Vitex might be a valuable addition to your journey. This podcast segment offers expert insights to empower individuals seeking natural solutions for their fertility struggles.

Research mentioned: 

Walker MH, Tobler KJ. Female Infertility. [Updated 2022 Dec 19]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan-. 

Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK556033/#

Batool Hossein-Rashidi, Maryam Nemati,

Effects of Vitex agnus-castus extract on the secretory function of pituitary-gonadal axis and pregnancy rate in patients with premature ovarian aging (POA),

Journal of Herbal Medicine,

Volume 10,


Pages 24-30,

ISSN 2210-8033,



Schliep KC, Mumford SL, Hammoud AO, Stanford JB, Kissell KA, Sjaarda LA, Perkins NJ, Ahrens KA, Wactawski-Wende J, Mendola P, Schisterman EF. Luteal phase deficiency in regularly menstruating women: prevalence and overlap in identification based on clinical and biochemical diagnostic criteria. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2014 Jun;99(6):E1007-14. doi: 10.1210/jc.2013-3534. Epub 2014 Feb 27. PMID: 24606080; PMCID: PMC4037737.




Disclaimer * 

You must not rely on the information in this podcast as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider.If you have any specific questions about any medical matter you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information on this website or in this podcast.

EPISODE 114 | Reproductive Rights, Environmentalism, and Legislative Battles: A Deep Dive into Florida's Complex Landscape


Explore the complex world of reproductive rights & environmentalism with Representative Lindsay Cross where we discuss the process of passing critical healthcare legislation, crisis pregnancy centers, abortion restrictions, & more.


In this episode, we dive into the complex world of reproductive rights and environmentalism, discussing recent issues in Florida and the potential impacts on reproductive technologies like IVF and medical care during emergencies. Joined by Representative Lindsey Cross, we explore the increasing prevalence of endocrine-disrupting chemicals and their potential connection to infertility, miscarriages, and possibly even gender dysphoria. We also break down the complicated process of how a bill becomes a law and the role of committees, the House of Representatives, and the importance of majority control. Additionally, we examine the frustrating aspects of pregnancy counting in the medical system, the funding for crisis pregnancy centers, and the impact of extreme policies on reproductive healthcare and education. Finally, we discuss the long-term implications of our convenience-driven lifestyle on our health and the environment, as well as the role of lobbyists in shaping legislation. This conversation is crucial to understanding how these issues affect not only Florida residents but the wider population as well.


(0:00:01) - Environmentalism in Fertility
(0:05:39) - The Complex Rules of Passing Legislation

(0:12:37) - Funding Crisis Pregnancy Centers

(0:21:10) - Impact of Abortion Restrictions
(0:30:01) - Politically Motivated Disinformation

(0:40:41) - Impact of Convenience Lifestyle
(0:52:50) - The Impact of Lobbyists on Society

(0:59:19) - Environmentalism and Reproductive Health


(0:00:01) - Environmentalism in Fertility (6 Minutes)
In this episode, we explore the recent reproductive rights issues in Florida and how environmentalism plays a role in these laws. Representative Lindsey Cross, who has an extensive background in environmental science, joins us to discuss the potential impact of these laws on reproductive technologies like IVF and medical care during emergencies. We also cover the increasing prevalence of endocrine-disrupting chemicals and their potential connection to rising infertility rates, miscarriages, and even gender dysphoria. As Florida's governor may become a potential presidential candidate in 2024, it's crucial to understand how these views could affect the wider population.

(0:05:39) - The Complex Rules of Passing Legislation (7 Minutes)
We delve into the complex process of how a bill becomes a law, discussing the role of the House of Representatives, committees, and the importance of majority control. The conversation highlights the pathway from an idea for a bill to its passage through the House and Senate, and ultimately to the governor's desk. We also touch on the potential consequences of a bill that could ban abortion at six weeks, emphasizing the importance of voting in smaller elections and understanding the legislative processes.

(0:12:37) - Funding Crisis Pregnancy Centers (9 Minutes)
We discuss the frustrating aspects of pregnancy counting in the medical system and how it impacts women's access to abortion. We also explore how the political climate in Florida allows for extreme viewpoints to take precedence over public opinion, leading to restrictive abortion laws that don't consider the nuances of pregnancy. Additionally, we examine the allocation of funds to unlicensed crisis pregnancy centers, questioning the ethics and priorities of the government in light of known issues such as maternal mortality rates, domestic violence prevention, and rape crisis centers.

(0:21:10) - Impact of Abortion Restrictions (9 Minutes)
We examine the six-week abortion ban in Florida and its impact on women's healthcare choices, specifically addressing the funding for centers that aim to influence people to carry their pregnancies to term. The conversation highlights the difficulties women face in obtaining appointments and making informed decisions within the restricted timeframe, especially in rural areas. We also discuss how these restrictions affect women of different socioeconomic backgrounds and how they may contribute to maternal fatalities due to lack of care. Furthermore, we touch on the implications of the bill on IVF treatments and the gray areas surrounding the definition of when life begins.

(0:30:01) - Politically Motivated Disinformation (11 Minutes)
We explore the concerning implications of recent extreme policies passed in Florida, including those that impact reproductive healthcare and education. The conversation touches on the potential unintended consequences of these policies and the need for rebuilding within political parties to address and fix these issues. The discussion also covers the importance of educating children about the biology of menstruation and the negative repercussions of keeping people ignorant. Additionally, we question whether there is any focus on researching how chemicals affect sexual development, infertility, and potential gender dysphoria in the Florida legislature.

(0:40:41) - Impact of Convenience Lifestyle (12 Minutes)
We investigate the long-term implications of our convenience-driven lifestyle on our health and the environment, particularly the impact of single-use plastics, chemicals, and waste. We also discuss the alarming findings of a study on the decline of sperm count in industrialized nations, which could lead to a majority of men being unable to father children by 2045. The conversation emphasizes the importance of raising awareness about these issues and the need for persistence in addressing them through legislation and policy changes. We also touch on the influence of lobbyists and special interest groups in maintaining the status quo, making it challenging to enact meaningful change for our health and environment.

(0:52:50) - The Impact of Lobbyists on Society (6 Minutes)
We discuss the role of lobbyists in politics and their impact on legislation, acknowledging that not all lobbyists are bad, but some can negatively influence policies. Additionally, we explore some positive developments in Florida, such as amending bills to prevent rushed redevelopment in coastal areas. We also emphasize the importance of meaningful discourse and staying informed to make a positive impact on society. Lastly, we share ways to connect with and support Representative Lindsay Cross on social media and her website.

(0:59:19) - Environmentalism and Reproductive Health (1 Minutes)
In this segment, we highlight the intersection between environmentalism and reproductive health, emphasizing the importance of caring for our planet and its impact on the reproductive systems of men, women, and everyone in between. We hope you find the content informative and valuable, and encourage you to share your newfound knowledge or leave a review on iTunes to help others discover this crucial information when it's their turn to conceive.

Episode Keywords:

Reproductive Rights, Environmentalism, Florida Legislation, IVF, Medical Care, Endocrine- Disrupting Chemicals, Infertility, Miscarriages, Gender Dysphoria, Bill Process, House of Representatives, Majority Control, Abortion Restrictions, Crisis Pregnancy Centers, Convenience Lifestyle, Single-Use Plastics, Sperm Count Decline, Lobbyists, Coastal Redevelopment, Reproductive Health

EPISODE 113 | Anxieties About Trying to Conceive

Do I need more time to prepare my body before I start trying for a baby? Or am I running out of time and need to start trying ASAP? The answers to those questions are unique to each person thinking of starting a family, and today we discuss the factors we should consider when trying to answer those questions and how to do so without creating more anxiety for yourself & your partner. 

We dive into conditioing around having a child and the importance of knowing your "why," when it comes to starting a family. 

This is a must listen if you are at the beginning of thinking about starting a family or if you ahve been in the throws of infertility for some time and need to find your bearings. 

If this episode resonates with you and you want to take this work deeper, I invite you to join my Conscious Conceptions program by going to https://www.FertileMindsRadio.com to learn more. 



[4:52] Anxiety is normal in human beings, but when our worries have started taking up too much mental real estate, then we are experiencing an abnormal amount of anxiety. 

[7:20] Your brain doesn’t know the difference between past, present and future when you worry ahead of time. When we worry, we experience the same cascade of chemicals in our brain as if we were presently experiencing what we’re worrying about.

[7:53] Get down to the minute details of why you want to grow a family. Ask yourself how old you were when you first started wanting kids. Why do you want to be a parent now, at this point in your life? The answers to these questions will be your life raft when experiencing the challenges that come with starting a family.

[12:20] Do an audit of where your fertility thoughts come from. Are you feeling pressure from family members, or are stories of other couples having trouble conceiving started to worry you? Where is your anxiety about conceiving stemming from?

[14:38] If you’re at a crossroads on deciding the right time to start trying for a baby, speaking to a coach can help you put together a clear timeline free from bias. Genetic testing, bloodwork, and semen analysis will also help you determine any risk factors that may affect your timeline.

[16:24] Some of the best places to get tested are IVF clinics, but keep in mind that their specialty is IVF, which may or may not be the right option for you depending on your test results.

[19:37] Recent advances in at home genetic testing have made it immensely easier for couples to test themselves for any fertility related genetic issues. One company, Legacy, even offers the option to freeze sperm, which could be a great option for couples looking to delay their timeline due to instances like undergoing cancer treatment, military deployment, or possible future toxic exposures at work. 

[22:53] Start looking at your toxic load and your nutrient densities. If you’re lacking in any vitamins that are needed for a healthy pregnancy, or if you’re carrying any heavy metals in your body, then you’ll want to determine that before you get pregnant.

[24:59] Learn how to regulate your nervous system. Even though our modern day world constantly provides stimuli that triggers our nervous system, we were not built to withstand the chronic stress we experience. Learning to regulate our nervous system through exercises like breathing is key to prevent being in a prolonged “fight or flight” state of mind.


When are you having Kids? by Jordan Davidson

The Baby Decision by Merle Bombardieri

Legacy At Home Sperm Analysis

Modern Fertility (Ro) At Home Tests for Women

EPISODE 112 | Understanding How MTHFR Mutations and Methylation Affect Fertility with Ricardo Miranda, LAc

Subtitle: We discuss the major influence that chromosomal methylation has on our cells’ genetic expression, and how we can manipulate it to our advantage. 

Description: Ricardo Miranda is the CEO and MTHFR consultant for MTHFRdoctors.com. He is a leading clinician and one of the top researchers in the field of MTHFR genetic mutation. With over 28 years of clinical experience, he is able to assess the direct link between his patient’s genetic mutations and their health issues. He developed a unique approach combining Functional Medicine, Genetics, Epigenetics, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Nutrition and Integrative Medicine diagnostics. He has done extensive research in the MTHFR area, and with the understanding of multiple disciplines, he has coached doctors from all over the country on how to treat patients with MTHFR mutations and methylation issues, including mitochondrial dysfunction. With a passion for helping people reverse their long-lasting illnesses, Ricardo founded MTHFRdoctors.com. Today MTHFRdoctors.com is one of the leading websites in the field of MTHFR with the biggest research database on MTHFR related studies available.

We take a deep dive into how our body's natural ability to detoxify itself can be inhibit by as much as 70% depending on our genetics. The innability to detox naturally can have significant impact on both male and female fertility as well as the health of our future children. We discuss in depth the antagonist relationship between folate and folic acid and how to avoid folic acid causing issue even though it is widely prescribed to OB patients across the US. 


[2:12] MTHFR is a gene that controls how the body breaks down folate and folic acid. We get folate from food, and our bodies break down and dispose of excess folate naturally. Folic acid, however, is a synthetic form of folate, and excess levels of folic acid leads to toxicity. Synthetic folic acid has been added to processed foods since the early 1990s. 

[5:15] MTHFR gene mutations come in varying degrees of severity, and 80% of the population has at least some form of the mutation. A double (homozygous) mutation, the most severe form, results in the body only being able to break down 30% of its folate or folic acid intake, leading to toxicity if the body’s folic acid intake is particularly high. 

[13:15] Methylation is a cellular process that “turns” certain genes “on” and “off” by chemically altering the overall structure of our DNA to either allow or hinder gene expression. In other words, if we have certain genetic mutations that we’d like to suppress, we’d want to “turn off” those genes through methylation, and prevent those genes from being expressed at all. 

[15:00] We can influence our DNA’s methylation through our environment and lifestyle—habits like exercising have been shown to positively affect methylation, for example. 

[24:50] It’s important to get tested for the MTHFR mutation and understand your body’s ability to break down folate and folic acid. Folic acid buildup during pregnancy can have severe impacts on the health of your baby.

[30:15] Genetic testing allows us to become aware of certain mutations we might not even know we possess, allowing us to take action to prevent complications that arise from these mutations before they become serious problems. 

[36:40] Supplementing a diet with raw folate and avoiding folic acid will help prevent toxic buildup, but if you have any form of the MTHFR mutation, you’re still not going to be able to break down and utilize all of the folate you intake. Methylated folate can be taken as a supplement in varying quantities based on the severity of your MTHFR mutation, as it bypasses the step your body needs to take to break down the unmethylated folate that is found more commonly. 

[39:15] When analyzing your MTHFR genetic results, know that A’s are better than C’s, 1 is better than 2, and if you have a moderate to severe set of mutations, you’ll want to seek professional help. It’s crucial that both partners get tested, as MTHFR mutations will affect the health of your baby no matter who they’re inherited from. 

[43:30] It is ideal to prepare the body for pregnancy at least 3-6 months in advance, but 12 months lead time is optimal. This allows the body to recover and detoxify from any unhealthy lifestyle choices, especially so that the genetic repercussions of these bad habits aren’t passed down to the baby. Even men should detoxify at least 3 months before trying to conceive, as the sperm life cycle is about 90 days. 


ADHD – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35834596/

Anemia – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29532755/

Anxiety – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30904222/  

Asthma – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34511169/

Autism – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19440165/

Blood Clots – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29212064/

Cancer -

MTHFRdoctors research on cancer

Developmental Delays – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32318793/

Depression – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15671130/ Note: Folic acid is a direct contraindication for people that have MTHFR mutations and MTHFR patients should only take a methylated for of folate. Dosage is calculated based on the individual mutation and blood marker assessment.

Diabetes – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12136399/

Down syndrome – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24913031/ 

Glaucoma – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30851082/

Heart Attacks – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24242286/

Infertility – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33914208/

Microcephaly – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34983810/

Migraines – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30451038/

Miscarriages – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30986448/

MS (Multiple Sclerosis) – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26261797/

NTD (Neural Tube Effects) – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35653630/https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16825690/https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17480154/

Peripheral Neuropathy – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29222982/

Schizophrenia – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21185933/

Stroke – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31932513/


Zulgeil Ruiz Ginés, born and raised in Puerto Rico, is affectionately known as “Zul”. After the birth of her first daughter, she was forever changed in how she understood pregnancy and birth. Supporting families in their pregnancy, birth and postpartum care became her passion. She has studied with birth workers in Los Angeles, Mexico and now Florida.

Zul is the owner of UMA Midwifery & Homebirth Services assisting families in St. Petersburg, Clearwater, and the greater Tampa Bay area.

We discuss challenges women, especially women of color, face while seeking proper birth care.


There is an alarmingly high maternal mortality rate among women of color in the United States- 40 deaths per 100,000 compared with a 12.4 deaths per 100,000 for white women. This is on par with women experience in developing nations. Why is this continuing to happen in one of the wealthiest nations and no one is talking about it? More importantly- What are the solutions?


[7:05] The pandemic skyrocketed demand for midwives, as some women were being forced to birth at home, or couldn’t have family in the room during the delivery.

[12:07] Not everyone needs a home birth, but everyone can benefit from a midwifery model.

[14:03] Becoming a doula or taking a doula course gives a great introduction into midwifery, and the journey can help us heal from traumatic birth experiences. [19:30] Pain is physical, but suffering is mental. When we anticipate pain, we experience it.

[24:40] Since the pandemic, some women are getting induced as early as 37 weeks, but such early inductions can often lead to caesarian births.

[36:15] Certain areas have hospitals that are understaffed or under equipped to handle certain birth situations, especially for women of color, or people needing translation services.

[45:08] Women of color are often left unheard in hospitals, leading to traumatic experiences that create a distrust and fear of going to hospitals.

[49:19] CDC: 60% of the current US maternal deaths are preventable.

[57:00] The right to choose the type of birth you will have depends on the state you live in.

[67:07]Home births cost around 6k including all pre- and post-partum care. Hospital births range from $8000 to $60000











Title: Fantasy Fallacy –– Trading Today’s Happiness For Tomorrow’s
Subtitle: What is the fantasy fallacy and how can it affect us on our fertility journey and after we become parents?

Description: We fall victim to the arrival fallacy when we forbid ourselves to feel happy until we accomplish that *one* thing, but oftentimes, even when the goal is achieved, we still have trouble feeling complete. In this podcast, we discuss the prevalence of fantasy fallacy in our society and methods that can help us find happiness in our present.


[4:47] When working toward our goals becomes sacrificial, harsh, and restricting, our achievements no longer feel rewarding.
[7:12] Something or someone external to you should not be responsible for filling that “void” inside of you.

[12:35] Many highly successful people suffer from the arrival fallacy after achieving their dreams.
[14:20] Everything you need to fulfill you is already inside yourself. Learn to be internally resourceful and not depend on anything externally.

[15:03] Arrival fallacy is the repackaging of validation. When people set goals for themselves and achieve them, they can be left with a void. When they don’t achieve their goals, they can blame their unhappiness on their failures.
[17:16] Steps to overcoming arrival/fantasy fallacy:


If you want to avoid arguments with your partner about lifestyle changes from diet to drinking in the name of conceiving, this is the episode for you. 

Most of us think of consent as something we give for something big- like a medical procedure, or in sexual exchanges. Obviously we want to give consent to be intimate. What I want to talk about today, are the more subtle aspects of consent in the context of your path to parenthood and all of the well intentioned changes we might be making or thinking about making in regards to lifestyle changes.


There is so much waiting in a fertility journey, and because we really never know how long it will take to hold that healthy baby in our arms, I think this is one of the greatest skills you can learn for the micro of the two week wait to the macro of the entirety of completing your family.  

In this episode you will learn...

- What to do when you feel in a hurry to get pregnant.

- What delay discounting is and how to know when you are doing it.

- Learn to understand which part of your brain is guiding your decision making process.

- The understanding of possiblity thinking vs probability.

- The stats on falling pregnant that are often glossed over.

When you get good at delaying gratification and disciplining yourself with healthy habits that make you feel good from a place of self love, from a place of training your brain and taking care of your body, and not because you think they will yield a baby, you can enjoy the wait of any journey in life, even falling pregnant. We call this living in high engagement with low attachment in my Conscious Conceptions program. You are engaged in living your life to its fullest, growing your capacity for uncertainty while growing your capacity to stay in prefrontal thinking and marveling at the magic that happens, which is the baby becomes the icing on the cake instead of the cake itself.

EPISODE 107 | WHY PLEASURE MATTERS | With Sex Coach Danielle Savory

Fertility challenges, mothering. trauma, and conditioning can absolutely get in the way of pleasure. And pleasure is what lights you up and makes this whole life worth living. So what is a girl to do? Join me as I pick the big beautiful brain of Sex Coach, Danielle Savory, and she shares her tips for creating more pleasure and drops some knowledge on how our bodies and minds work to keep us safe and to light us up. If you love our guest as much as I do, head over to https://daniellesavory.com and see how she can help you reclaim your sexiest most lit up self.

Links to take you further

Find Danielle @ https://daniellesavory.com and get on her email list.

Join her group coaching program Turned on Woman here.

EPISODE 106 | MINDFUL MOMENTS | Guided Practice for Making Difficult Decisions

When making hard decisions it can feel paralyzing, as if one decision could derail our entire life. You may be asked to make incredibly hard decisions on a path to becoming a parent so I created this for you. It is one of my favorite time out of thinking exercises I use to get in touch with my higher self when I am struggle to make the "right" decision. Enjoy! P.S. Please do not listen to this while driving or operating heavy machinery. Save it for a time when you can listen and be open to all that your mind and body have to offer you.

Finding yourself in torturous indecision about whether you should join Conscious Conceptions? Let's clear that up together on a call.

Schedule a FREE Consult


Decision fatigue describes how our decision-making gets worse as we make additional choices and our cognitive abilities get worn out. Decision fatigue is the reason we feel overwhelmed when we have too many choices to make, especially in the absence of resources. The phenomena of decision fatigue can affect even the most rational and intelligent individuals, as everyone can become mentally exhausted. The more decisions made throughout the day, the harder each decision becomes for us. Eventually, the brain looks for shortcuts to circumvent decision fatigue, leading to poor decision-making. While this is typically a business concept it is rampant in the fertility & parenting world because of the sheer number and weight of each decision we are asked to make on a daily basis.

Finding yourself in torturous indecision about whether you should join Conscious Conceptions? Let's clear that up together on a call.

Schedule a FREE Consult



Words have incredible power. Today we are going to explore the story you have been broadcasting to your body about the status of your fertility and how that impacts your perception of the journey. I'll share some personal insights I had working through this same exercise with my own health and the surprising findings in the mansion of the mind. We will go through my ritual for rewriting your story in a powerful way.

EPISODE 103 | YOUR PREGNANT-NOW WHAT | Tips for what to expect & how to worry less

Seeing that positive pregnancy test can leave us flying high with happiness, until the worry sets in. Today's episode seeks to educate you on what to expect in terms of appointments, symptoms and labs so there is less room in your mind for thinking something is going wrong.


  1. Listen to your body's signals. Be kind to yourself when dietary and sleep habits need to shift.

  2. Have a plan to say no to anything that doesn't serve this special time in your life and put your health and wellness first. Know your triggers- people pleasing, perfectionism, overworking to avoid feelings etc and have a plan to overcome them if you notice yourself reverting to old patterns of putting everyone before yourself.

  3. Establish with your OB or midwife ahead of being pregnant for higher priority appointments.- Home midwives are the often the best for quick care and hello they come to your home.

  4. Know how to advocate and pull your own labs if your state laws allow. Consider adding D3, B vitamins and iron if you have ever been anemic or had miscarriage, Progesterone if you have have had trouble getting pregnant or miscarriages, and TSH if you have known thyroid issues. That way if something is out of line you will be able to address it faster with your provider when you do get in to be seen.

  5. Decide how you want feel when you do get pregnant and don't be afraid to model it and dream yourself into it so that when it does happen, the feeling is familiar and you can saver every precious moment of it.


EPISOODE 102 | THE FIVE REALMS OF FERTILITY- How Fertility Challenges Touch Every Part of Your Life

What are the five realms of fertility? They are the places in our lives we can look to and examine in order to feel more balanced on our fertility journey. Join me as we explore how fertility challenges may be showing up as more than an empty next in this excerpt from my Conscious Conceptions coaching program.

If you are curious about working together or joining Conscious Conceptions you are invited to schedule a free 1:1 session with me here.


What exactly happens in a life coaching session? And why would I ever hire someone to help me do Life? And is that a legit career? These are actual judgey thoughts I myself had when I first learned about life coaching 10 years ago. Listen on to find out about some of the very unexpected and pleasant side effects life coaching had on me after I finally took the plunge.

Read more


Traditionally the definition of a Conscious Conception includes the physical aspects of preconception care and then adds in a spiritual dimension of preparation. It engages the, "feminine principle of receiving." It presupposes a spiritual realm from which a baby's spirit can be invited into the '"Earthside" life, and it is modified to suit spiritual belief of the mother and or parents. It spiritualizes sexuality, conception, pregnancy, and birth. It allows for a greater purpose and can thus relieve some burden from the woman as she TTC, helping her to feel like she is in co-creation rather than totally responsible for creation. It allows for practice, ritual, meaning that can also permit depth psychology work and meaningful practices that help to reduce stress and also reinvigorate sex life for couples. Join me to listen to  what a Conscious Conception is and is not, no matter what your take is on religion.


Anger is a normal emotion for all humans. Some of us have a harder time acknowledging and/or releasing our anger. Take a 20 minute journey with me to practice allowing and releasing our anger and systematically breaking down the false and poisonous belief that good girls dont get angry. Love these practices? Join us in my Conscious Conceptions Coaching Program. Our next cohort start the end of May. Get on the waitlist so you don't miss a moment! www.FertileMindsRadio.com

EPISODE 099 | CANNABIS & FERTILITY | What You Need to Know with Dr. Felice Gersh

As Marijuana and it's component supplement CBD become more mainstream there is a real risk that you could be stunting your fertility with their use, especially in unexplained cases or recurrent implantation failure. 

Join us for the education bomb Dr. Gersh drops on how our hormones naturally ebb and flow with our own endocannabinoids and what happens to our hormones we add THC or CBD. 

If you suffer from endometriosis, unexplained infertility, or implantation failure and have ever wondered if Mary Jane was to blame or could help you, tune in! 


  1. The active ingredient in marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), acts on the receptors found in the hypothalamus, pituitary and internal reproductive organs in both males and females.

  2. Marijuana use can decrease sperm count. Smoking marijuana more than once a week was associated with a 29 percent reduction in sperm count in one study.

  3. Marijuana may delay or prevent ovulation. In a small study, ovulation was delayed in women who smoked marijuana more than 3 times in the 3 months before the study.




Space for grace is a personal account of where my thought work and spirituality have converged. I want to show you how to up-level your fertility journey into one of growth that will ultimately make your current suffering worth it in the end.