There is so much waiting in a fertility journey, and because we really never know how long it will take to hold that healthy baby in our arms, I think this is one of the greatest skills you can learn for the micro of the two week wait to the macro of the entirety of completing your family.  

In this episode you will learn...

- What to do when you feel in a hurry to get pregnant.

- What delay discounting is and how to know when you are doing it.

- Learn to understand which part of your brain is guiding your decision making process.

- The understanding of possiblity thinking vs probability.

- The stats on falling pregnant that are often glossed over.

When you get good at delaying gratification and disciplining yourself with healthy habits that make you feel good from a place of self love, from a place of training your brain and taking care of your body, and not because you think they will yield a baby, you can enjoy the wait of any journey in life, even falling pregnant. We call this living in high engagement with low attachment in my Conscious Conceptions program. You are engaged in living your life to its fullest, growing your capacity for uncertainty while growing your capacity to stay in prefrontal thinking and marveling at the magic that happens, which is the baby becomes the icing on the cake instead of the cake itself.

EPISOODE 102 | THE FIVE REALMS OF FERTILITY- How Fertility Challenges Touch Every Part of Your Life

What are the five realms of fertility? They are the places in our lives we can look to and examine in order to feel more balanced on our fertility journey. Join me as we explore how fertility challenges may be showing up as more than an empty next in this excerpt from my Conscious Conceptions coaching program.

If you are curious about working together or joining Conscious Conceptions you are invited to schedule a free 1:1 session with me here.


Space for grace is a personal account of where my thought work and spirituality have converged. I want to show you how to up-level your fertility journey into one of growth that will ultimately make your current suffering worth it in the end.


We all have something that we want that sometimes is a struggle to see other people around us getting or having the feeling like you’re the only person that doesn’t have the thing. But, what should you do when everyone around you is pregnant, and you are having a meltdown? Our guest, Erin Gray LMHT, LMT takes us through a four-step approach that you could apply to avoid a meltdown or at the very least lessen the blow.

Listen in as we explore the four quadrants and how we should handle life in each quadrant until we get to a sweet spot. 


Key Talking Points of the Episode: 

  • Balancing a message of truth with a message of hope and not being Pollyanna 

  • The difference between a goal, desire, and intentions 

  • Engagement and attachment 

  • Low engagement with low attachment 

  • Low engagement with high attachment 

  • High engagement with high attachment 

  • The sweet spot: High engagement with low attachment 

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Key Milestones of the Episode: 

[00:46] Introducing the episode guest 

[08:01] The difference between a goal, desire, and an intention 

[08:20] What is a goal? 

[12:22] How do we define an intention? 

[21:42] engagement and attachment 

[26:05] Low engagement with high attachment 

[27:50] High engagement with high attachment 

[31:39] The sweet spot: High engagement and low attachment 

[43:33] How do you stay in the sweet spot? 


Understanding the Self Coaching Model


  • How our thinking about our past serves or doesn’t serve us.

  • The importance of understanding that the past has no control over us until we have a thought about it.

  • Why recognizing the difference between a thought and a circumstance is crucial to understanding how your brain works.

  • How using the Self Coaching Model will allow you to obtain full control over your life.

  • How you can move away from a completely negative thought to a place where you think positive, nurturing thoughts.

  • How to run a self coaching model C-T-F-A-R


You may have heard me talk about the MODEL on episodes 48 and 54 when I talked about certainty and thought management, but truly you need to hear it again. These are concepts you can’t hear enough to really understand them. this is because most of us were not taught how to manage our minds. Even fewer of us were taught exercises to really understand our minds, not just how to conceptualize how the mind works. This exercise of using the self coaching model is something I have been working with for two and a half years now in Self Coaching Scholars with Brooke Castillo. It’s been instrumental in me reclaiming my health and my sanity as a step parent. I know this can handle any situation and I want to teach it to you. I truly believe if you work with it and actually write down the models that you run, it can be the #1 tool to help you keep your cool while you are patiently waiting to conceive!

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Copy of I-Z positive feelings list.png
A_F Negative Feelings  List .png
G-R Negative Feelings  List .png
S-Z Negative Feelings  List .png
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Hey, If you enjoy listening to this podcast, I invite you to sign up for my fall into fertility cleanse. It’s a led cleanse for 5 days with an emphasis on healthy food choices and mind work to get control of your mind when it comes to diet and your fertility journey. You’ll enjoy a week’s worth of super easy and nutritious meal recommendations with shopping lists and daily live coaching with me to help you get ahold of buffering patterns that are holding you back from your most fertile self body, mind and soul. We start Monday, December 2nd. Head over to https://www.fertilemindsradio.com/ and click the work with me tab to sign up.

Disclaimer *

You must not rely on the information in this podcast as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider.If you have any specific questions about any medical matter you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information on this website or in this podcast.