Episode 116 | Guided Visualization for Fertility in 2024

In today's episode you will guided through my favorite visualization for starting a new year. I highly suggest this visualization anytime you are starting something new, need to get unstuck, or are making big decisions. We are going to harness the connection between our heart and our womb for this one. Get comfy and let's dive deep together. 

This meditation was part of a 3 day series, Mapping Your Fertility Journey, I taught at the end of 2023. You can still access the replays here until Feb 1st, 2024. Don't miss this special opportunity to learn from me on a deeper level.

EPISODE 106 | MINDFUL MOMENTS | Guided Practice for Making Difficult Decisions

When making hard decisions it can feel paralyzing, as if one decision could derail our entire life. You may be asked to make incredibly hard decisions on a path to becoming a parent so I created this for you. It is one of my favorite time out of thinking exercises I use to get in touch with my higher self when I am struggle to make the "right" decision. Enjoy! P.S. Please do not listen to this while driving or operating heavy machinery. Save it for a time when you can listen and be open to all that your mind and body have to offer you.

Finding yourself in torturous indecision about whether you should join Conscious Conceptions? Let's clear that up together on a call.

Schedule a FREE Consult


Traditionally the definition of a Conscious Conception includes the physical aspects of preconception care and then adds in a spiritual dimension of preparation. It engages the, "feminine principle of receiving." It presupposes a spiritual realm from which a baby's spirit can be invited into the '"Earthside" life, and it is modified to suit spiritual belief of the mother and or parents. It spiritualizes sexuality, conception, pregnancy, and birth. It allows for a greater purpose and can thus relieve some burden from the woman as she TTC, helping her to feel like she is in co-creation rather than totally responsible for creation. It allows for practice, ritual, meaning that can also permit depth psychology work and meaningful practices that help to reduce stress and also reinvigorate sex life for couples. Join me to listen to  what a Conscious Conception is and is not, no matter what your take is on religion.


Anger is a normal emotion for all humans. Some of us have a harder time acknowledging and/or releasing our anger. Take a 20 minute journey with me to practice allowing and releasing our anger and systematically breaking down the false and poisonous belief that good girls dont get angry. Love these practices? Join us in my Conscious Conceptions Coaching Program. Our next cohort start the end of May. Get on the waitlist so you don't miss a moment! www.FertileMindsRadio.com


Day 5 of our meditation challenge happens to fall on a new moon in Taurus and Earth day. What an auspicious day for setting intentions! We will examine the 5 realms of life (Physical, Mental/Emotional, Relationship, Material and Spiritual) and how our fertility is interfacing with these different parts that make up our lives. We will then set some intentions that we would like to see unfold and seal it with a mantra in celebration of the Earth- Om Shri Gaia Ma Purnatva Gaia Ma.


Today's guided journey can be super helpful anytime you feel that you need a healthy "time out." Often when we are feeling the most constricted, it is because we are wrestling with questions. Today you go on a journey to get answers from the Archetypal women you carry inside. After it is over you will know how to find more space when you are feeling pinned in or couped up. After you practice it a few times, you won't even need my voice.


Need a little help turning down the volume inside? Join me for the annual meditation challenge that I host every spring to honor National Infertility Awareness Week.

This year I have decided to publish the recordings not only in the classroom area for the people participating in live time, but on the podcast for you the listener. All 7 days will be here for your listening enjoyment, but if you want the extra recordings that I placed in the class room area for a total of 14 meditations, you’ll have to sign up.

Day 2 we explore the concept of a conscious conception and we practice building awareness so that we may be engaged in our conception process from a spiritual point of mind.

Meditation begins at about min 14:00


Need a little help turning down the volume inside? Join me for the annual meditation challenge that I host every spring to honor National Infertility Awareness Week.

This year I have decided to publish the recordings not only in the classroom area for the people participating in live time, but on the podcast for you the listener. All 7 days will be here for your listening enjoyment, but if you want the extra recordings that I placed in the class room area for a total of 14 meditations, you’ll have to sign up.


Heart Math and Meta meditation techniques to help you reel in your nervous system throughout your day.

These techniques are extremely powerful to bring into your day when you are trying to stay calm or make a heart based decision.

Our guest today, Elizabeth Markie, founder of Tri Brain Coaching and Heart Math Facilitator is here to help us understand the most recent neuroscience discoveries and why it is now more important than ever to continually ground ourselves into the seat of our hearts.

EPISODE 87 | MINI MINDFUL MOMENT | A Mantra For Overcoming Anxiety

I’m sure you’ve heard time and time again, stress negatively affects fertility and pregnancy. Maybe you been told, Just RELAX and it will happen more times than you care to count, which really makes you stress out and maybe want to punch said person. Now you can’t exactly go about cutting all of the stress out of your life, I mean, fertility challenges alone are stressful. What are you supposed to do? Give up? Quit? Not a chance. You make a game out of making friends with your stress response. Acknowledge it, know it’s going to happen, get good at catching it before it becomes a freight train careening out of control, AND then see how fast you can change your stress response into a relaxation response by trying on one of these little beauties from our mini mindful moments installments. Meditation & mindfulness techniques and their ability to turn on our parasympathetic nervous system, or what’s known as breed and feed, are evidence based practices that not only enhance your fertility, but they can also help you hold a pregnancy, even if it’s high risk. Remember, it’s not stress that’s the enemy, it’s how fast we can get back into a relaxed state that really matters. These mini relaxation techniques are quick, easy to apply throughout your day and restore your relaxation response in moments, keeping your mind broadcasting the message to your body, "It’s a safe time and place to create life,” helping you to feel back in control of your stress and ready to conceive. 

Photo by Afrah on Unsplash

EPISODE 50 | MINI MINDFUL MOMENT | Energetic Liberation and Physical Manifestation

When it comes to using the chakras there are actually two currents that help the energy to flow, however, most people are only accustomed to using one of them working from the bottom chakra up. This pathway is what is sometimes referred to as the path to liberation or emotional freedom. The other less know current is the downward current from the heavens to the earth plane, sometimes referred to as the current of manifestation. For thousands of years in Chinese Medicine humans have been explained as a divine mix of matter and spirit, a pivot if you will between heaven and earth. When it comes to using the chakras and meditations to help your pursuits of beckoning a healthy happy baby into your life, both currents must be taken into consideration. This meditation will show you how to do just that, all while helping you turn on your relaxation response. 


Cycling With the Moon — What Does That Even Mean?


In this week’s episode, we welcome back the highly credentialed Reiki master and Meditation Facilitator Sharna Langlais, what moon cycles have to do with fertility, how you can work with the moon when it comes to your emotions and energy levels, and what exactly it means to cycle with the moon. We give you a brief history of how we have connected with La Luna over the years, ways to practice that honor and respect tradition of connecting with the moon’s deep energy, and a view of how to navigate the moon’s cycle with grace and ease.


To share your own fertility story, please email me at hillary@ladypotions.com. I look forward to connecting with you, as you are what this podcast is all about.


[5:51] When Sharna talks about the moon with her clients, she also talks about the larger cycles of nature and the solstice energy that comes with releasing and shedding the old to welcome the new.

[7:15] Mercury Retrograde usually happens 3 times a year and is typically a 3-week cycle where Mercury appears to be going backward in the night sky. From an astrological standpoint, Mercury rules communication, travels and thought, and is thought to affect decisions, conversations, technology, etc. Sharna sees it as an opportunity to slow down and get more intentional to reevaluate and repurpose our life.

[13:54] As we cycle more with the seasons and look for the opportunities to connect to spiritual traditions, it even goes further back to times in history where we experienced cultural appropriation for our beliefs and traditions. Sharna would like to reframe “paganism,” not as a demonic and satanic term, but as a way to show that we are aligning ourselves with the elements of nature.

[19:28] Moving ourselves out of fear and into research is a huge element of growth and reclaiming information that was lost and taken away from women, from the structures of power and control.

[23:45] To Sharna, cycling with the moon is about being connected to nature, physical bodies and everything that feminine is about: mystery, chaos, observation, openness. Hillary thinks of it as a time when we are most fertile.

[26:35] White moon is the idea that you bleed at the new or the waning moon, and the period is a time and rest and recovery. The red moon means your cycle follows the full moon, and you are most fertile during the new or waning moon. In ancient times, the red moon cycle was said to demonstrate their creativeness outward, and they are focused on self-growth, mentorship, and creativity. The feminine energy allows us to observe and accept what our body is doing on any different day.

[33:40] One of the first things Sharna recommends to get aligned with the moon is just to observe what it is that is happening with their body for three cycles.

[36:11] In olden times they used to offer menstrual blood to the land and fertilize their plants with it. Sharna finds that the “messiness” itself is a feminine energy and our creative energy at our core. She also recommends charting our cycle, moon gazing and spending time with nature and trees.

[44:54] Sharna says all releases are good releases, no matter how society has told us to be shameful of them.

[48:89] The new moon symbolizes new beginnings, and it begins to wax or become fuller leading to when it’s at its fullest at the full moon. We are usually intention-setting around a new moon, and looking at what we would like to create over the next period. Traditionally, full moon cycles honor fertility and celebrate releasing what is no longer necessary.


[56:02] When you start to observe how the moon cycles affect your energy and period, it becomes fascinating to watch and plan life changes and interactions accordingly.

[58:53] The more Sharna does energy work, the less she finds herself affected by her menstrual cycle.

[63:07] Moon energy is feminine, and sun energy is masculine. Sharna compares it to a dance of two lovers.



Fertile Minds on LibSyn

Fertile Minds on iTunes


Sharna Langlais

Seek Spark Shine

Ep #055: “Could Your Fertility Challenges Be An Unexpected Spiritual Awakening?”

Kissing the Hag, by Emma Restall Orr

Miranda Gray

Ep #035 “Mastering Mindfulness During a High Risk Pregnancy”

Ep #037 “TCM Wants to Help You Conceive”

Sharna’s Full Moon Gathering

Leah Whitehorse

Continue Your Journey:

@ladypotions4u on Twitter

@ladypotions4u on Instagram

Disclaimer * You must not rely on the information in this podcast as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you have any specific questions about any medical matter you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information on this website or in this podcast.


Could Your Fertility Challenges Be An Unexpected Spiritual Awakening? guest Sharna Langlais 


Today we talk with a true master of explaining the mystical in an understandable way. Sharna Langlais is a Reiki Master and also trained in Shamanic Healing and many other healing modalities such as Herbalism and Aromatherapy. She and Hillary talk about her new book, Unexpected Spiritual Awakenings, and how it pertains to fertility. They discuss what exactly an unexpected Spiritual Awakening is, how to spot one and what the stages are, and some tips on how to ease the lonely and discomfort when everything feels like it’s crumbling. Then, they cover what our ethereal body is, how we clean it and how we can use it to protect ourselves.

To share your own fertility story, please email me at hillary@ladypotions.com or comment below. I look forward to connecting with you, as you are what this podcast is all about.


[1:44] Sharna Langlais is a Reiki Master also certified in Shamanic Healing and 5 Element Theory. She is a certified Herbalist, and Aromatherapist and Meditation Facilitator. Sharna has published work on Elephant Journal and MindBodyGreen and has her new book, Unexpected Spiritual Awakenings.

[4:08] Sharna comes from a Marketing and Executive Management background and was an “accidental techie” in her work with a nonprofit. She shares her journey in balancing the “real world” with her spiritual work starting at around her late 20s.

[7:13] All of the modalities that Sharna uses herself help to clear her own energy so that she can be open and compassionate in her work with clients all over the world to bring them a deeper sense of transformation.

[11:07] Sharna gives an analogy that Reiki is the car that she drives, in the sense that there are so many makes and models of energy work. It is a Japanese tradition in its origin and is about channeling life force energy through the bodies to remove blockages — the building block of life. Energy work can be utilized for any ailment or issue, and can deeply clear energy without having to talk through it too much.

[15:08] If Reiki is the car, acupuncture would be the model of car, and Sharna finds that distance work is more concentrated than physical experience.

[18:04] In a larger context, the unexpected spontaneous spiritual awakening is a personal process that creates extreme transformation inside of the cells and shifts. It can look like a crisis, and can very much feel as though everything is “falling apart.” The purposeful awakening is expected, and the context of the structure around it is usually based on a tradition with others to help guide the experience.

[23:34] One of the big messages in our crisis is to stop and listen to what’s really inside of us, and to tune in to our true calling instead of trying to keep up with a path that isn’t right for us.

[26:16] The biggest place we tend to see the spontaneous awakening is crisis and often emerges in transition that looks like health issues, breakups, and career shifts or changes.

[28:51] Going through an awakening can be daunting or scary at first, so it’s common for us to patch holes and return back to our normal life, but it is a real commitment to change and growth.

[35:40] Sharna put together the stages on her own experience and the experience of many clients she sees, but the experience is yin and nonlinear.

[36:34] Stage One: The Crisis Moment. Something breaks, and we must go in and try and fix it.

Stage Two: Find a New Way to Restructure and Change The “honeymoon” period of the awakening, where someone thought they found the answer.

Stage Three: Liminal Phase/The Awakening Process The true dark night of the soul where things fall apart and we already thought we fixed it in stage two.

Stage Fourth: The True Rebirth and Joy Stage The realization that we are a whole different version of ourselves.

Stage Five: The Awareness That We Are Always Changing and Needing to Pay Attention to Our Whisper We have a perpetual sense of humor and are reminded that everything is an opportunity for us to create and produce shifts.

[48:06] It is deeply healing for someone to connect one-on-one with someone while they are going through the process, as it feels isolating and confusing at times.

[49:11] Usually it is one part of the couple going through the awakening, and the relationship shifts as we change inside.

[52:22] The opportunity springs up during fertility because it tends to pop up in the areas of life that feel the most mysterious. Feminine energy also is the energy of chaos, and chaos energy is what is introduced for a system to change.

[56:44] The most important piece of awakening is surrendering and receiving without attachment.

[61:25] If we have to bring a life inside our body, it helps to be connected to it first.

[65:21] One of the biggest tips is to seek out somebody that can help you, but also to be careful of who you work with and that they are a right fit for you. Having patience with and through this process is also key. Retreats are also helpful to get your bearings with like-minded people by a trustworthy facilitator.


Mentioned References & Continuing Your Journey:

Reiki 1 Training with Sharna @ Art of Acupuncture Aug 3-4th 2019

Fertile Minds on LibSyn

Fertile Minds on iTunes


Unexpected Spiritual Awakenings: Navigating a Spiritual Awakening, by Sharna Langlais

Seek Spark Shine


Elephant Journal

Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression — and the Unexpected Solutions
by Johann Hari

@ladypotions4uon Twitter

@ladypotions4uon Instagram

Disclaimer *

You must not rely on the information in this podcast as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you have any specific questions about any medical matter you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information on this website or in this podcast.


What Are YOU Grateful For?

At my house we do the cliche thanksgiving thing of what are we all grateful for. and that what we are going to do today in our meditation, only we are going to explore gratitude in the 5 realms of our life as it relates to our fertility picture, because sometimes those answers are a little contrived, or a little PC, because your parents neighbors who you’ve never met are joining in the celebration and that’s just awkward sauce to say out loud to anyone but your partner. 

According to davidji, The 5 Realms of Our Life are

  1. Spiritual

  2. Physical

  3. Emotional

  4. Relationship

  5. Material

You might want a  pen and piece of paper to jot things down after so you can keep them close or put them in your calendar as a reminder before important appointments.

EPISODE 42 | MINI MINDFUL MOMENT | 16 Seconds to Bliss

Mini Mindful Moments

16 Seconds to Bliss

This relaxation response technique is so easy you might forget how to do it.

This episode is brought to you by the online course- How to thrive with Your Newborn presented by the talented doula Adriana Lozada

Getting pregnant can be difficult, staying pregnant can be day to day for some, and bringing your baby home and getting to know what YOUR baby needs can be super trying, but  it doesn’t have to be. If you want to feel confident about your postpartum experience this course is definitely for you and it is super affordable. With over a decade of experience, Adriana teaches you how to understand the baby you were blessed with in a 5 week self paced online experience. You can find it at birthfulcourses.com or in today’s show notes. 

EPISODE 34 | MINI MINDFUL MOMENT | Mindfulness 101

How do you set the tone for mindfulness & actually practice it?

Whether you are doing something prolific like making love, or something mundane like the dishes get in the habit of asking yourself these questions and then observing the answer you come up with, without judgment. 

What do I hear?

What do I feel?

What do I smell?

What do I see?

What do I taste?

Try it with me, wherever you are, whatever you are doing ask yourself these simple questions. Drop into the present moment and quit entertaining your past or your worries about the future. 

By taking the time to ask yourself these questions and thoughtfully responding, you allow yourself to me more fully engaged in the activity and deepen your experience.

Even though it is a practice that is seemingly more mental than following the breath because we are entertaining your mind, it really allows you to drop out of your head and into your body. 

It allows you take a break from what’s going on in your head, which chances are is the same conversation with yourself on repeat, and I’m willing to bet it’s probably not saying anything you would repeat to someone outloud. 

So if you want to change the way you feel, you have to start paying attention to what is really happening in the moment and not what your repetitious thoughts would like you to believe. 

It's so simple. 

You just have to commit to doing it! 

Let's get mindful together. 

Join me in the 29 Day Fertility Meditation Challenge- Begins August 26th